
Happy 2019, blocks and silver bullets

2 February 2019

On Happy New Years, Blog Blocks and the Silver Bullet of Wellbeing

“Health, contentment and trust

Are your greatest possessions,

And freedom your greatest joy.”

(Joy, Dhammapada)

How long can one wish a happy new year? I’ve learned, probably from one of my moderately superstitious italian friends, that it supposedly brings bad luck to wish a happy new year before the 31st of December. There seems to be no fixed rule though how long into January it is still appropriate. Certainly the beginning of February seems highly inappropriate! I like the swedish greeting after New Year, which combines both a late Christmas and New Year greeting, is used well into January and could be translated with  “Happy Continuation”.

So, inappropriately late even by swedish terms, I would like to wish you all happy beginnings and continuations in 2019.

Blogging. It’s been on my mind forever and on my to-do list for quite some time. Apart from some feeble random outbursts in the past I’ve always found ways and reasons to avoid it. Typically, I believe, for many us that were informed and educated in pre-internet times, I’ve always felt not sufficiently entitled to write and publish words and other content (with the exception of photographs). I never considered myself a writer, jokingly I even used to say in the past that I had to become a photojournalist because I could not read or write.

Here’s my resolution – feed content! The expectations are high.

Last summer, for the first time since my early 20’s, my mild psoriasis – an inheritable skin condition that in some form or shape affects a quarter of the population – disappeared miraculously after I joined my partner on a gluten and dairy free diet for just 2 weeks. Astonished I began reading up on gluten, autoimmune conditions and other diet related topics.

Not only did I have a few relapses in my ongoing diet but I also realised that there were most certainly other lifestyle factors involved. My psoriasis eventually returned when the summer was over and contrary to my initial, wishful, impression I come to the belief that there is no silver bullet, no holy grail and no universal solution to any condition, be it physical, mental, or environmental. Only individual and holistic approaches will serve long term, true healing.

More on this and other health related issues coming up here or in my newsletter.


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